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In 2023, Orange Business became Zozio’s partner

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4.0 Interview 13.07.21

Interview with Faustine Liabastres, Active Cosmetics L'Oréal

The fourth industrial revolution is shaking up industry thanks to the development of new technologies.

These technologies, which are driving change and improvement, are being implemented in certain factories in France.

A concrete example: the Active Cosmetics division of the world’s leading beauty group L’Oréal, whose sites are located in the Allier region, in Vichy and La Roche-Posay. These two connected production sites place innovation at the heart of their operations.

We met with Faustine Liabastres, the Performance Manager of Active Cosmetics Division, to discuss the role of Industry 4.0.

Faustine Liabastres has a multiple role at Active Cosmetics Division. In charge of managing continuous improvement, maintenance and digitalization, her objective is to improve performance by using new technologies.

The human dimension at the heart of Industry 4.0

For Faustine Liabastres, the design of the industry of the future is, first and foremost, human.

“The digitization of Factory 4.0. is above all about supporting our teams. – she stresses.

The challenges her team faces today are linked to strong production growth.

“The new technologies are making life easier for the plant’s employees and optimizing their work. They allow employees to focus on their core business.”

Towards improving the quality of life at work

According to Faustine Liasbastres, the integration of 4.0 contributes above all to improving the quality of life of employees.

“On a daily basis, teams report to me certain non-value-added tasks that they would like to optimize,” she explains.

The implementation of digital tools helps reduce repetition and thus improve working conditions. It is a response to the needs identified by employees in the factory.

“Stop wasting time and create added value with practical, ergonomic and intuitive tools.”

The implementation of new technologies within Active Cosmetics Division

In search for flow optimization

A year ago, L’Oréal called on Zozio.

“The initial objective was to optimize our flows” – explains Faustine Liabastres.

The POC (Proof Of Concept) was illustrated by the deployment of the solution on 50 tanks circulating between the two sites of Vichy and La Roche-Posay.

The POC tested the effectiveness of three different technologies: geofencing (detection of presence in an area), Ultra-Wideband technology (precise geolocation in an area) and the national Lora network (outdoor geolocation used during transit between the two plants).

These technologies were connected to an ergonomic platform for visualizing and analyzing field data.

Today, Zozio’s solution is successfully implemented in the Vichy and La Roche-Posay plants for the management of 300 tanks inside the plants and in transit.

An intelligent control platform as an operational and efficient solution

The integration of Zozio’s platform on the L’Oréal production sites was spontaneous.

“Contrary to what one might think, Zozio’s solution was very easily integrated by all our employees.

Teams from another generation, who are new to new technologies, were able to quickly grasp the solution.”

Technology for traceability

In terms of hygiene, Cosmétique Active Production sites are governed by strict quality standards (FDA, TGA, OTC).

Zozio has contributed to a better respect of these standards by identifying the hygiene status.

Thanks to the creation of data transmitted directly to the platform, employees have access to information about the status of tanks and the history of their movements.

“Zozio’s solution allows us to better track the hygiene status of our mobile tanks.”

Sustainable development actions supported by technology

For L’Oréal, reducing environmental impact is a key issue.

The group has launched its “L’Oréal for the future” program, which includes all of its environmental commitments for the coming years.

The Zozio platform is also part of the L’Oréal for the future program for CAP sites by limiting waste related to material loss through the implementation of an alert system if a tank containing formula enters the washing areas.

This process justifies a cost saving for the manufacturer.

A global answer brought by the deployment of Zozio

From a problem of geolocation of tanks, Zozio now provides a complementary solution for the entire process.

For Faustine Liabastres, the result is convincing: “Zozio is entirely dedicated to the needs of its customers and responds to many issues within our site. It’s a complete, multi-service, multi-business solution that helps us in general.”

For example, recently, Zozio also implemented fixed tank management, allowing its solution to become a CAP storage management tool.

“With Zozio, the manufacturing assistant, the manufacturer and the packaging technician gain in quality of life at work.”

A solution with a promising future

The Performance Manager was won over by the development of the Zozio technology, which she describes as “an ergonomic solution that facilitates the work of field employees every day.”

The flexibility and adaptability of the start-up have enabled a perfect fit between the solution and the needs of CAP’s factories.

Faustine Liabastres is already thinking about other applications for the Zozio solution. “If we could even have it on our keys, that would be great,” she says ironically.

Future projects already include thinking about how to integrate Zozio.

The collaboration between the multinational L’Oréal and the start-up Zozio makes it possible to reconcile performance, innovation and quality of life at work.

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